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Body contouring procedures such as liposuction and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) performed by our Brisbane, Mackay Queensland plastic surgeon can eliminate excess skin and fat and make patients look and feel better. Dr. Phillip Bushell-Guthrie can reshape many areas of your body to give them a tighter, firmer appearance.

A liposuction procedure performed at our Brisbane practice can eliminate excess fat in many areas of the body. The most popular locations for liposuction are the thighs, abdomen, hips, lateral buttocks, and upper arms. Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures and has proven effective in removing localized areas of fat and providing the body with new contours.

The Liposuction Procedure
There are two types of liposuction that Dr. Phillip Bushell-Guthrie utilizes for our patients:

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)
UAL is a method that involves the use of high-pitched sound waves to break down fat in the area being treated. The fat cells are ruptured by the sound waves, emulsified, and the fat is then removed with gentle suction.

Suction-Assisted Lipectomy (SAL)
SAL is the traditional type of liposuction. The excess fat is softened with an injection of saline, then forcibly removed by way of a thin metal tube called a cannula. The cannula is moved back and forth under the skin and a strong suction removes the fat cells.

Dr. Bushell-Guthrie routinely uses ultrasonic liposuction, as he has found that it gives better results. It is typically more gentle and efficient than SAL, and it removes less blood. Although liposuction is useful for reducing localized pockets of fat, it cannot remove large deposits of fat or excess skin and is not a good substitute for abdominoplasty. However, the great advantage of liposuction is that it produces minimal scarring.

Liposuction at our Brisbane facility is typically performed under general anaesthesia in a private hospital. Patients should prepare to stay at least one full day in the hospital after the procedure and should arrange to have two weeks off of work.

Liposuction Recovery
A significant amount of pain can occur in the first two days following liposuction; however, this can be alleviated with medication. Patients should also expect some swelling after the procedure, which may not completely dissipate until about three months after liposuction. Most patients can resume their normal routines within the first two weeks after the procedure.

Liposuction can often be combined with a face lift or rhinoplasty to give the face a rejuvenated, recontoured appearance. For more information on liposuction, contact our Brisbane plastic surgery office today.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) carried out by Dr Bushell-Guthrie in Brisbane, Mackay Queensland can tighten the skin of the abdomen and eliminate excess skin and fat from the stomach area. Abdominoplasty is traditionally an effective procedure for those patients who are relatively physically fit but have not been able to shed extra fat and skin folds in the abdominal region.

The Abdominoplasty Procedure
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is designed to make patients feel trim, tight, and firm. The procedure begins with a long, curved incision made from hip to hip. The skin is pulled down so that it becomes taut, and the abdominal muscles are tightened. Excess skin and fat are removed, and the navel is repositioned. There will be a scar after the operation, but this can be hidden under clothing and certain types of swimwear. An abdominoplasty typically takes about two to three hours and is performed under general anaesthesia in a private hospital with a one night stay.

Abdominoplasty Recovery
Our tummy tuck patients should expect only a little pain and discomfort for the first few days after the procedure. Some numbness will also be present, and some patients may develop a permanent patch of numbness in the area. Patients should prepare to take at least two weeks off of work after the procedure.

Although predominantly a tightening operation rather than a fat reduction operation, abdominoplasty at our Brisbane, Mackay Queensland practice removes the lower abdominal roll from the abdomen. It is a common procedure that can do wonders for the appearance of your midsection when traditional diet and exercise have failed to remove stubborn fat.

Lower Body Lift
A lower body lift is essentially an extended abdominoplasty that is able to recontour the abdomen, hips, and buttocks. Excess skin and fat around the entire midsection can be improved with this procedure. Incisions are made all the way around the circumference of the mid-section. Because the incision is extended around the circumference of the abdomen, the so-called hip handles (also known as love handles) can be reduced in size and the upper buttock areas lifted. The basic principles of abdominoplasty apply to lower body lift as well, except that this procedure is longer and more extensive than a tummy tuck. Liposuction is often used in conjunction with a lower body lift to remove fat in the lateral thigh areas.

Patients should be prepared to stay at least two nights in hospital after a lower body lift and should arrange to have at least three weeks off of work after the procedure.

Medial Thigh Lift
Sometimes, diet and exercise are simply not enough to stop the insides of the thighs from rubbing together. A medial thigh lift can help to eliminate loose, excess skin on the thighs. Incisions are made in the groin areas and down the inside of the thighs. Excess skin and fat are then removed and the incisions closed.

A fair amount of tightness and discomfort in the thigh area will be present during the first week of recovery after the procedure. Patients may also experience some numbness, although this usually wears off within a few months. A medial thigh lift is typically performed under general anaesthesia in a hospital and takes about three hours to complete.

To learn more about medial thigh lift as well as liposuction and tummy tuck surgery, contact our Brisbane, Mackay Queensland cosmetic surgery office today to schedule a consultation.

Reduction of Fatty Arms
The presence of excess fat and flab under the upper arms is a common problem and one that cannot always be solved through liposuction alone. A surgical reduction of fatty arms in conjunction with liposuction can eliminate loose hanging folds and tighten the area for a more contoured, less flabby look. An incision is made from the elbow to the armpit, and long wedges of skin are excised along the inside of the upper arm. The incision will then be closed. Reduction of fatty arms typically takes about two hours to complete under general anaesthesia.

The arms may feel tight, swollen, and uncomfortable for up to three weeks after the reduction. Patients should be aware that this procedure leaves a long sometimes noticeable scar along the upper arm that can be difficult to hide without long-sleeved clothing.

Contact Our Body Contouring Surgeon
For many people, traditional diet and exercise are not enough to eliminate stubborn fat deposits on the body. Liposuction, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), and other body contouring procedures performed at our Brisbane, Mackay Queensland practice can reduce fat and recontour your body to meet your goals. Contact our plastic surgery practice today for more information or to set up an appointment.

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